A little family fun time

Remember when you were little, and your backyard was your place to be free?  And you could be what ever you wanted to be?  And you and your sister (in my case brother) told eachother the best secrets? And you would hang out and snuggle with your parents in their bed?  That’s what this family shoot was all about.  Little girls being little girls.  Dressing up like ballerinas and twirling, laughing and leaping to their hearts content.  Being footloose and fancy free.  Running barefoot with the breeze blowing through their hair and then some snuggle time with mom and dad.  What a perfect day!  You KNOW I went home and snuggled up my babies.  Here’s to ballerinas, twirling, bare feet, dirty knees, gentle breezes and best friends.  Here’s to being… a kid.  Enjoy… xo

Veronica - January 13, 2012 - 3:30 pm

So cute, Anna! Love the twirling shots!

Claudia - January 13, 2012 - 8:07 pm

Love them all, twirling and bed shots are my fav’s. You look at these and think its so wonderful to be you!

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