Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ever need a little kick in the pants to get you going?

My  New Year’s resolution to get moving and take better care of myself has already gone by the wayside. I have every excuse in the book… I’m busy (who isn’t), I’m tired (who isn’t)… the list goes on and on. Meanwhile, there are people like my friend Dan who decide to do something and just...

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Samantha in the late summer sun… Waters Farm

I know its October… and I know there’s talk of snow, but I just had to post this gorgeous shoot that I did with Samantha.  Late summer sun warming your skin, casting a warm summer glow.  Damn, I miss warm weather.  Sam’s makeup was done by the ever so talented Barbara Rodriguez.  Come take a...

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Hello world!

Hi everyone!  My blogidy blog will be up and running soon, so stop by and visit often.  I love the company. In the meantime… if you need to contact me, shoot me an email at See ya’ll soon!

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